Friday, August 06, 2010

Blog Updates

I am hoping to actual by frequent in my posting from now on. Who knows if it will happen, I mean, it is a completely insane and unheard of concept among bloggers, but if I don't write it down, I am 67.9% more likely not to do it, according to the Just Made Up Statistics Bureau, which was formed by the You Can Throw Money At It Bailout program.
In addition, I did a bit of editing to the page to make it more interesting, if not more like an obnoxious commercial slogan, by alliterating all of the gadgets' names on the sidebar.
You may also notice that I also put up a poll, which has a ridiculous run time because the frequency that anyone checks this is probably only once in a blue with a greenish tint moon, and I actually want other people to vote on it besides me. Yes, I am skewing the results by voting on it myself. And yes, I know all of the words listed in the poll. Kibitz is Yiddish. Pnuemonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and antidisestablishmentarianism are both some of the longest words in the English language, and I am a contortionist. For the benefit of those who are reading this after the insanely long run date of the poll and it is thus no longer up, the words above are words from the poll, with the question being: Which of these words do you know? At least, that's what it is, more or less.
That is basically all the changes I plan to make. If you have any other ideas, feel free to post it in the comments and it will begin the bureaucracy of my life, namely, being noticed, considered, filed in a cabinet for six months, forgotten, rediscovered while cleaning the office after my bureaucrat is fired for not being inefficient enough, who then hastily e-mails it to everyone in his contact's list, who send it to me, since I am not in the bureaucrat's inbox as that would be too efficient, I try to decipher the e-mail lingo, fail, form a committee to inquire as to the meaning of the e-mail, who after 6 months of deliberation and millions in taxpayers' money, send the translated version to my new bureaucrat, who sends it to my Secretary, who sends it to me, at which point, I finally decide whether or not to do it. Am I thinking of my bureaucracy, or government bureaucracy?
Don't worry. I'm done now. I will not drive you to insanity by adding worthless humor to my posts. I have made my pint and I now withdraw. (I am in somewhat of a weird mood today)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the government will be pleased to know that you know what to do when you apply for a job there!
