Sunday, May 02, 2010

Spew, Policy style!

"Spew, Policy-style!"

When I say this for future reference, it means I do not like it.

You know how people say barf,
upchuck, or something when they're displeased?

"Barf, that sounds bad!"

So, I say, Spew! Spew is one word for barf,
and I prefer to use this instead of barf, because
spewing does mean barfing, but it also means the utterance of words extremely quickly. This use is mainly restricted to Policy debate, so that's why I say, Spew, Policy-Style!

Spew, Policy Style, this article was weird to write.

That Arizona Law

That's right, I'm talking about THAT Arizona law. Yea, that one. Not that one.

Being unspecific aside, I'm talking about that Arizona Immigration Law.

For one, everyone seems to think it's ridiculous and unjust. Well, it's not.

For one, you have to already been guilty of another crime to have your identity checked. As in, if you don't commit another crime, the law doesn't affect you. Don't commit any crime in the first place and you're good.
Since when was crime so expected?

Two, boo hoo, you have to have another tiny slip of paper in your wallet. Big deal. Carrying your papers around is not a big deal. You already have to carry your ID and your driver's licence. Police can already ask for your ID with due cause, so this is really no big deal.

Making illegal immigration illegal. This is such a bad thing for a law to do (roll eyes 1080 degrees with disgusted look). Doing the obvious. It's about time police can check if you're here illegally. How else are people supposed to find illegal immigrants if they're not allowed to ask if they're illegal?

Finally, of course this ought to be treated more like a crime than the current administration would like it. It's a crime not to have health care, but not to cross the border and steal a Social Security number to work? Drop dead no!

As a side note, I find it funny how Obama condones Arizona for this law when he has done nothing concerning illegal immigration except propose that they get off scotch-free. It does not matter what the doubters, the critics, the press, the people say when they have never done it themselves. The do-er is the one acting, don't criticize when you won't act yourself!

So, good job Arizona for finally doing something!

As a last side note, the whole amnesty for illegals thing is dumb. While being an illegal immigrant isn't a crime in most places (illogically), it ought to be. So, following this obvious train of thought, amnesty for illegals is a clear violation of the Rule of Law. For those of you who don't know what it is (which I am severely disappointed in you for, as it's and American principle and is critical for the survival of society, as well as boringly easy to understand), the Rule of Law simply means, no one is above the law. The law applies to everyone. That is why people like the President and Michael Jackson (Spew Policy-Style) are able to be taken into court, unlike the kings of old, exempt from every crime. So, if all of the people who illegally enter the US are cleared of their crime, that means they will never be punished for the crimes they have committed. They have been placed above the law. Why not give amnesty to murderers, thieves, and so on?

As a final note ,no, I don't have anything against Mexicans. I have something against the corrupt Mexican government, but I simply hate corruption in general. As a matter of fact, my dad served his LDS mission there. Le gusta mucho hablar espanol. (Con un tilde encima de n). I have even taken Spanish classes! It is simply that there is an illegal immigration problem that needs fixing.

A Very Good Question

Why is the conservation movement not conservative?

There's a 2-letter difference. It's weird. No real significance, but it doesn't make sense.

Texting is Dumb (TXTNG R DMB)

Thanks to my blatantly obvious title, I'm sure you all know where this is going, plus I don't really know proper text lingo (oxymoron).

So, how many of you reading this text? A lot? Obsessively?

If you answer yes to all or one of these questions, raise your hand at the computer screen. Seriously. Do it.


Okay, let us get to the point. People text. Mucho. Muy muy mucho. Demasiado mucho. If you really want to know what that says, highlight it, right click it, and select Google Translate. For myself, I have never received, sent, or even read a text. Yes, I have a cell phone. Of course, part of this is probably due from the fact that less people have my number than follow my blog diligently (maybe 5 people).

I am proof that texting is quite easy to survive without. Texting is, while useful, out of control. $1000 texting bills are ridiculous. So, if you read this, ask yourself (if you answered yes to the questions above), can you go a week without texting? Tell people who expect a text that you are not going to be texting, because I challenge anyone who reads this (including political opponents I may or may not have in 30 years trying to get dirt on me. Yes, that's right, YOU!) don't text for a week. Do a real call or something. Don't require that you know EVERYTHING your friend is doing during fourth period.

So, I think I've established that I don't like texting, so, THX 4 RDNG MY STF. :)

Oh spew, Policy debate style. I hate text lingo, nor can I write it.