Thursday, June 10, 2010


I, but a few minutes ago, woke up from a brutally bizarre dream, that gave me some great ideas.
I don't remember how it started, naturally, but I remember from here:

It was in the middle of casual negotiations, in a forest next to two fake and unrealistic coffins, with some bizarre alien. Frankly, nothing really happened as far as negotiations went (and if something did, I forgot it), but he basically told us he was going to use a biological weapon on us and he released this kill-all. Of course, there is only one disease with a 100% fatality rate, and that is life. So, some people weren't covered with thousands of lump over every inch of their skin (the disease), some survived, and some were singularly unaffected (which naturally included me, and yes, that us realistic as far as dreams go because why would I kill myself? Why would you kill the main character in the book [unless you're a depressing author]? If it's any compensation for you depressing people, my friend from debate died.). Anyway, some battleship survived near Britain and destroyed his ship (which wasn't doing anything anyway). He leaves to get some bigger battleship and we go to Britain and take over his broken ship (I think only his anti-gravity systems were destroyed, the ship still worked in water). As it turned out, we had six nukes onboard, as well as a stealth generator and a simple steering mechanism with multiple speeds. When the alien ship appeared, we were in a narrow channel, with stealth activated, and we went away from the ship and down the channel and rounded the landmass. We stopped, and allowed the alien ship to pass our hidden ship, as it was going in the same direction. When it had gone a ways away, we fired a nuke, and as it did nothing, they picked it up and started to look more vigorously. Another nuke attacked went the same way. Then the dream more or less ended. I think the nukes blew them up or something. I simply woke myself up because right after, some random creepy thing happened and I figured the dream no longer had to be continued, because I am quite sure they were double nuked.

So, it is an interesting dream. I could make an adventure off of it, or something like that.

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