Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gibbinater's Law of Mathematics

I have recently dicovered a mathematical trend. It is that any number squared is exactly one higher than the number right below it and the number right above it multiplied.

A possible formula is thus: x^2=(x-1)(x+1)+1, where x is any number, whether rational, irrational, negative, positive.
A simpler formula is this: x^2=ab+1, where a=x+1 and b=x-1.

A few examples: x=98969 98969^2=979482961 while 98968 x 98970=979482960
x=pi pi^2=9.8696044010893586188344909998762 while pi-1 x pi+1=8.8696044010893586188344909998762 (pi numbers are approximated)
x=0 0^2=0 and -1 x 1=-1
x=10 10^2=100 and 9 x 11=99
x=-3 -3^2=9 and -2 x -4=8

Random Mathematical trends make everything so much nerdier!

The only use I can think of is that when deciding who is better after 2 tournaments, when one guy got 1st and 3rd, while another got 2nd twice, it would mean that the guy who got second twice would be better.

If it turns out someone came up with this already, let me know.

Another completely worthless thing is that how you want to choose objects in a straight line so that the next object you choose isn't consecutive to the last in a line of four objects.

Each of these is an object.
a b c d

The combinations that result in no consecutive choices are:
b-d-a-c or c-a-d-b

I am quite sure that one is next-to worthless, as few of us will enocunter a booby trap that requires the pressing of buttons or selection of objects so that one choice and the next aren't consecutive.

If anyone reading this is worried about my mental state because I take the time to figure this out, fret not for I only think upon these matters when my mind rests idle without anything to occupy it's attention.

If you are still worried because I lapsed into an outdated mode of speech or because I inserted a disclaimer concerning my mental state, I simply have to say: I am as sane as a human can be.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, this is way above my head but I can't help appreciating what an amazing thought process you are displaying. Way to go!!
