Sunday, October 17, 2010

WOTW and Ads

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
— Albert Einstein

I'm accomplishing 2 things with this. I am doing the Word of the week and advertising 2 blogs.
Starting with the advertisements, there is College the Blog here, a blog by a college student at BYU who I knew from Church and debate. Then, there is my brother's new blog, the Green Knight of What.

Now onto the word. Today's word (or phrase) is sans peur et sans reproche. It is French in origin and means "without fear and without reproach." -Webster's New World College Dictionary
Basically, someone who is sans peur et sans reproche lacks fear and reproach. I'm not completely sure on this, but it would suggest that it applies to situations where the Rule of Law is not applied and someone can get away with anything.

1 comment:

  1. Could be. It can probably apply to many scenarios. The real problem is: how do you pronounce it?
