Thursday, April 15, 2010


Digression of society is rampant. Society is decaying, especially with the help of the media. Here is a quote from a CNN article that took up the greater part of the website's headlines.

"Not all socialists, though, want to confiscate personal property. Democratic Socialists are more interested in protecting ordinary people from unregulated capitalism through regulation and progressive taxation."

It would be fine if they were simply representing the views of socialists (freedom of speech- even if their ideas don't deserve it), but the language does not indicate that. It states it like it's a fact. It should be phrased more like this:

Democratic Socialists believe that the government should protect ordinary people from what they call unrestrained capitalism through progressive taxation and regulation.

They do it with religion (which is far more accurate) but not a political view. Quite hypocritical.

"protecting ordinary people from unregulated capitalism." Capitalism is unregulated by nature. It's called free market for a reason.
Since when was taking money and prohibiting non-dangerous acts protection? Let alone from a mythical threat like unregulated capitalism (meaning it is not a threat), how does this protect in any way?

And so, society crumbles.


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