Sunday, June 10, 2012

Blimey... I haven't posted here in a long time. Sorry about that- I'll probably do a bit more work here soon. That comes down to the revision of the Brony Contentions and the V/C. In general, I'm a better artist and familiar with both topics better than when I wrote them originally. I may also add a bit of art as well- show all y'all what's happening on my other blog (i.e. a comic). A drawing tablet greatly increased my art prowess.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012


if you've been curious about my low profile the last few days, that's because I've established another blog, though of a different style. It's composed of visual theses, comics, etc. They're like the Schrodinger's Wallet and whatnot.

Found here:

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Brony Demographic

This validates more than a few of the arguments I made in the Brony Contentions and adds some insight and whatnot into what I'll cover in the fourth installment. It's a very interesting piece.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Fantasy Time

So, that fantasy I've been writing. Chapter 1 is complete! Remember, it's only in alpha, liable to lengthening, etc etc. None of that really matters for the moment, here's the link!

Chapter One

I'll add some bios in a few days. I'm working on way too many projects.